Recolector de basura es aceptado en Harvard y su reacción se hace viral

Un joven estadounidense se ha vuelto viral en redes sociales, luego de que su conmovedora reacción al ser aceptado en la Universidad de Harvard conmoviera a miles de personas. 

Se trata de Rehan Staton, un joven que se ganó la vida por mucho tiempo desempeñándose como recolector de basura, en Estados Unidos.

Cabe señalar que el camino de Staton no ha sido para nada sencillo, después de terminar la secundaria su familia se vio envuelta en una serie de problemas financieros e incluso algunas enfermedades.

Rehan se levantaba día con día con la finalidad de salir adelante par poder seguir manteniendo a su hermano y a su padre.

FORMER SANITATION WORKER ACCEPTED AT HARVARD LAW: Rehan Staton from Bowie, MD used to wake up as early as 4 am to haul trash and clean dumpsters, to help support his family and pay for college. He sometimes didn't have time to shower before class, so he sat far away from others so they couldn't smell him. Now Rehan's hard work has finally paid off – he just got in to Harvard Law!Rehan has overcome many obstacles throughout his life. He says his dad raised him and his brother as a single parent after their mom left the family. Money was tight so they often didn't have enough to eat and their electricity got cut off. Rehan says his teachers belittled him for struggling in school and made him feel he would never amount to anything. Eventually he got in to Bowie State University, so his older brother Reggie (on the right in the video) dropped out of college so Rehan could afford to go. Rehan spent 2 years at Bowie State, then transferred to University of Maryland. He and Reggie both worked as sanitation workers to pay the bills. On Reggie, Rehan says, "He took a job that people look down upon, all so that people could look up to me." UPDATED: Full story here- 2: Rehan's mentor set up a GoFundMe for him here:, Rehan got into several other law schools besides Harvard! You can see all of his acceptance reactions here:

Posted by Aimee Cho on Monday, June 29, 2020

Staton es aceptado en Harvard

En una grabación que circula en Internet, se puede ver al joven esperando los resultados de sus opciones universitarias como la Universidad de Columbia, la del Sur de California y la Universidad de Harvard, de la cual no tenía muchas esperanzas.

Sin embargo, en el video se puede ver como es aceptado por esta gran institución, provocando que gritara con emoción “felicidades”, al leer el comunicado que le fue enviado. 

Posteriormente sale corriendo sin rumbo debido a la gran emoción mientras su amigos lo celebraban junto a él. La tierna reacción ha conmovido a miles de usuarios y se ha vuelto todo un ejemplo de lucha.

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